Event Status List

Event Status List

Events can have the following statues set. Events can be updated at any time, and can have their status set from one to another as required.

To Be Confirmed

These events need to be confirmed - possibly for a number of reasons; with the client, that they are going ahead due to weather, that enough interest has been received to have it run, etc.

Your staff will see these events in the events list, as well as on the calendar on the home page.


These events have been confirmed to go ahead.

Your staff will see these events in the events list, as well as on the calendar on the home page.


The event has been completed, however a post-event report hasn't yet been completed for it. Completed events are shown in the 'Past events' list, and are only shown in the calendar to those people who have access to the 'Past events' tab.


The event has been completed and a post-event report has been submitted. Archived events are shown in the 'Past events' list, and are only shown in the calendar to those people who have access to the 'Past events' tab.


The event has been cancelled. The event is not shown on the upcoming events list (it is accessable via the 'Past events' tab). Staff who have access to see 'Past events' will see these events on the calendar in their home page, however it will not appear for others.


The event has been postponed, and will be re-scheduled at another time. Postponed events are treated in the same way as 'Cancelled' events in terms of where they're displayed.


There are a few additional options to facilitate quotations being prepared in the system. Quotations entered in the system are separate from your events, and not shown to your staff until the quotation is accepted, and the event is marked as either 'To be confirmed' or 'Scheduled'.

Pending quotation

This status indicates an event has been entered, either by the client themselves (eg. via your public website, or the client portal), or one of your staff members, and in-turn now requires a quotation to be prepared.


Once a quotation has been prepared and sent to the client, the next step is to mark the event as 'Quoted'. This signifies the client has been sent the quotation, and it's now awaiting feedback from the client.

If the client accepts the quote, the next step is to mark it as 'Scheduled', or 'To be confirmed' depending on your internal processes and requirements.

Quotation declined

If the client does not accept the quotation and you do not wish to re-quote for the event, then marking it as 'Quotation declined' signifies there is nothing more required for this event.

A reason can be entered as to why the quotation was declined if you wish.

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