Risk assessments

Risk assessments

Risk assessments are available as part of a separate module which is accessible from the system.

To complete a risk assessment for an event, select the ‘Risk assessment’ option in the event ‘Tools’ menu (when viewing the event details page.

Once selected, you will be directed to the risk assessments module, which provides a form to select the various risk-factors which your event may contain.

Once selected, these risk-factors will be used to generate a total score based on the criteria selected. Recommendations are then put forward to you to consider for the event, ranging from general advice (eg. risk minimisation strategies), through to specific staff or resource requirements which can be saved with the event details.

Sending as a message

A facility to send the recommendations as an email is also available;


If it’s your first time using the risk-assessments module, you will need to first enter criteria and recommendations which can be used for your events - this is available at the top-right of the page.

Additionally, automatic notifications can be setup (at the top-right of the page) to notify people when a risk-score above a certain amount has been calculated.