Event Lifecycle

Event Lifecycle


Before the event is run, a number of things happen;

The event could also be changed prior to the event starting to;

  • Cancelled
  • Postponed


The staff/volunteers rostered arrange for pickup of the resources assigned, attend the event for the hours rostered. Some resources may be used, and items purchased for the event which will need to be reimbursed once the event has been completed.

As the staff/volunteers leave the depot/their residence, they're able to mark themselves as being 'En-route' to the event, and 'Sign in' on arrival.

Stats and documents can also be uploaded by the crews during the event.

Once the event has finished, staff can 'Sign off', and complete the post-event report.


Once the event is finished, hours your staff worked are confirmed (either by the event person-in-charge), and feedback is received from the person in charge of the event. At this stage the event is also automatically archived.

Any expenses which have been incurred by your staff are also entered at this stage and sent for reimbursement when payroll is processed.

If you have selected a client for the event, they are also emailed a thankyou note, and given the opportunity to leave feedback for you to review at your leisure. These client emails can be disabled by editing the client details and setting 'Send post-event feedback requests' to 'No'. This feedback is then forwarded to any staff specified in the 'Post-event information recipients' area within the 'Site configuration' page.

Emails to clients and your staff are sent the day after the event concludes.