Viewing skill/qualification records

Viewing skill/qualification records

After it’s been added, a skill/qualification can be viewed at any time, either by viewing the persons profile, and clicking the ‘Skills & Qualifications’ tab on the top-right hand side of the page;

Additional information can then be viewed by clicking the specific qualification;

Or by clicking the ‘View all’ button (shown in the first screenshot).

Clicking ‘current’ above will show the following screenshot, which also includes a ‘Tools’ menu, to;

  • View-all the qualifications for the person

  • Send a message to the person regarding their skill/qualification

  • Edit that particular record (eg. to change the attainment date, or date of expiry)

  • View the modification log, for this record

Viewing the modification log shows information related to whom added the record, what changes were made, etc.

Alternatively, skills and qualifications can also be viewed for your organisation by clicking ‘Skills & qualifications’ in the menu, and then by selecting the appropriate skill you would like to view;

Then clicking on the name of the qualification above, will show the following screen which lists everyone in your organisation, and any records related to that skill/qualification - eg. if it’s current, expired, not yet attained, etc.