Required Skills & Qualifications

Required Skills & Qualifications

You can allow clients to view the skills & qualifications your staff & volunteers are required to have, including the following for the required skills & qualifications for each of the people rostered;

  • Reference numbers
  • Expiry dates
  • Downloadable copies

This gives greater transparency & allows clients to conduct any security or other additional checks they may be required to do, prior to the event being held.

Note that this only shows the 'required' skills and qualifications which have been setup, based on the persons assigned position at the event. This list of required skills & qualifications could thus change from event to event, position-to-position and so-on.


Within your 'configuration' page (in the 'Client Bookings' area), the 'show rosters to client' facility allows you to also select if skills & qualifications should be made available;

Once saved, a 'Skills & Qualifications' button will be shown to the right of the list of people assigned to a clients event.

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