Expiration Notifications

Expiration Notifications

Three email reminders are generally sent reminding your staff of qualifications which are due to expire - 3 months (this is configurable for each qualification), 1 month, and one day before the qualification is due to expire.

Additional information can be included in the expiry notifications by completing the qualification 'description'.

A sample of the email which is sent is below;


These reminders are automatically sent and can be disabled by editing the qualification and selecting 'No' in the 'Enable expiry reminders' section. Reminders can also be disabled on a group-by-group basis, via the 'Configuration' page. This allows you to have reminders sent for some groups whilst retaining the ability to have them turned off for others.

The 3 month reminder can be changed to send a reminder another time if needed - eg. if a qualification or skill takes some time to be renewed (eg. 6 months), you can specify 6 months instead of a reminder at 3 months. The standard one month prior, and the day before reminders will still be sent regardless of the setting used here.

These reminders are sent to the person holding the qualification which is about to expire, as well as copied into the administrators of the group that person is in.

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