Removing people

Removing people

There are two ways to remove people from your list of 'active' staff.

  1. Archiving records (recommended)
  2. Placing them on-leave
  3. Deleting records

Archiving people

This moves a persons details from the 'active' list, to the 'archived' list of people, preserving their information, along with all the events they have attended in the past. This is the recommended approach for removing people as it allows you to review their information at any time, as well as allowing you to move them back into the 'Active' list simply by editing their details.

Once archived, no automatic emails will be sent to archived people (apart from those sent directly via the 'Send a message' facility). Archiving their details also prevents them from accessing the system.

Archived records do not count towards the number of 'active' users you are billed for (eg. if you have 40 'active' staff, and 25 archived staff, only 40 will be counted for billing purposes.

Un-archiving a person

To un-archive a person (eg. if they decide to become a volunteer or staff member again), you need to edit their details and set their status to 'Active'. Once saved, they will be able to resume logging in to the system if they previously had access to it, and can be rostered to events, included in messages sent and so-forth.

As they will have the same permissions as they did when they were archived, you will need to check any access you have given them to ensure it is still what should be in-place, given their circumstances may have changed (eg. they might be in a new position, new area of your organisation, etc).

Placing someone on-leave

Your staff & volunteers can be placed on-leave as required by setting their 'status' to 'On Leave', and optionally including the date they are expected to return.

Returning from leave

Prior to their return, the system will email those on-leave a reminder they are due to return from leave shortly, and automatically set their status as 'Active' on the date of their return.

You can of course change their status back to 'Active' at any time, or change the date of their return if their circumstances change.

Deleting people

Deleting a person removes their details from the system entirely, with no option to 'undo' your actions. This option is not recommended unless you are doing a clean-out of your archived staff, and no longer need to refer to past details such as which events they attended, what administration hours or time-sheets were recorded, etc.

Removing people removes the following records relating to the person being deleted;

  • Event roster records
  • Expressions of interest submissions
  • Administration hours
  • Event & other expenses
  • Permissions for groups
  • Resource allocations
  • ID photos
  • Related documents
  • Travel & accommodation entries

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