Adding new qualifications

Adding new qualifications

You can add new qualifications into the system which can then be added to your staff as needed.

To add a new qualification:

  1. Click "Skills & Qualifications" item under the "People" menu on the left side of the screen
  2. Click the "Add qualification" link at the bottom of the screen
  3. Fill out the "Update Qualifications" form with the details of the new qualification including:
    • The Type, Name/Title and a Description of the new qualification
    • Other qualifications that the new qualification is requires (eg. pre-requisites) - e.g. a Security Guard qualification may also require a valid drivers license and first aid certification.
      NOTE: Expiry of any other qualifications of which the this qualification is comprised will cause it to become invalid on a person
    • Validity period and expiry reminder options

You can update any qualification information at any stage if needed - such as changing the title of a qualification, enabling automatic reminders, etc. A person's qualification may also be imported from excel and other files.


There are a number of options available to allow you to setup the qualifications;

  • Require reference no - this means users will be required to enter in a 'reference no' when adding skills/qualifications (eg. a certificate number)
  • Require expiry date - users will be required to enter in an expiry date - recommended if the skill/qualification eventually expires
  • Require an attached file - require users to attach a copy of the certificate/supporting documentation
  • Show in columns available - this allows reporting on this specific qualification when viewing lists of people
  • Show in event-rosters skills & qualifications reports - there are reports which show relevant skills/qualifications which might be required for events - this allows the qualification to be included in those reports, which are also available in the client-portal (if configured)
  • Automatically add when competencies are met - see below
  • Require manager approval - see approvals

Automatically add when competencies are met

A skill can be setup so it's added to a persons profile where competencies (additional skills/quals or criteria) have been met - eg. if a "Drivers Licence (any)" is setup to require a "Drivers Licence (car)" or "Drivers Licence (motorbike)", when either of those qualifications have been obtained, the "Drivers Licence (any)" skill/qual will be added to their profile.

Permissions required

To add a new qualification, you need to be able to modify information for people (any type of person).

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