Message Delivery Status

Message Delivery Status

The following 'statuses' are shown on the message history report when viewing a list of message recipients. This shows where possible if a message has been received by a recipient, or failed for another reason.

In some cases, such as for email and some telephone providers, a final 'Status' won't be able to be determined and the message will remain blank or be shown as 'Sent'. Likewise, some email or phone providers may not provide delivery information, or provide updates as emails & SMS messages are further processed.

  • Pending
    The message is scheduled, about to be, or is being sent to the recipient.
  • Sent
    The message has been sent.

  • Delivered
    The message was delivered - either to the recipients handset (in the case of an SMS), or the recipients email provider has accepted the email for delivery. This does not necessarily mean the recipient read the message, or it has appeared in their inbox.

  • Failed
    The message failed to send to the recipient. This may be due to an invalid email address/phone number, or one of a number of other possible reasons.
    The message may have also been rejected by the sender, or the senders email provider.

  • Timed out
    The message was attempted to be delivered but no response was received after a period of time.

Bounced messages / Complaints

In the instance that messages are sent to recipients that have any of the following, their email address is blocked from being sent future emails.

  • An incorrect email address (ie. it bounces)
  • They indicate they don't want to receive emails, or have indicated the email is spam and shouldn't be received (a complaint is received)
  • Their email provider has blocked the emails

This ensures that we're not trying to send emails to email addresses where we shouldn't be.

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