Importing Drivers Licences

Importing Drivers Licences

Drivers licence information can be imported at the same time as other information such as phone numbers, etc.

The following fields should be specified;

  • Licence type
    • Defaults to 'Car' if none has been specified
  • Licence issue date
    • Defaults to today's date if none has been specified
  • Licence expiry date
    • Optional
  • Licence no
    • Optional

Licence information are entered as 'licence' qualifications and associated to a persons details. If no existing qualification is available (eg. 'Drivers Licence (Car)') for each type of licence, they will be created as required.


First nameLast nameLicence typeLicence issue dateLicence expiry dateLicence no
SarahJonesCar23/02/2014 B312515