Qualification Dependencies
Skills & qualifications can be setup to ‘comprise of’ one or more other qualifications.
For instance, a ‘Supervisor’ skill might require numerous assessments & other skills to all be present and in-date.
This can be entered in as the following;
If any of the dependent skills/qualifications are missing, it will result in the related skill/qualifications being listed as ‘Competencies required’ rather than ‘Current’.
Any that have expired dependencies will be listed as ‘Expired' - this allows the person rostering staff, or making changes to make an appropriate decision based on the skills someone has (which have simply expired and may need re-certification/renewal), vs skills that may need to be taught in their entirety (ie. the difference between a half-day renewal/re-certification, vs a 5 day course).
The above diagram shows the first-aid-certificate being required as part of the ‘Supervisor’ role. In this instance, the first-aid-certificate is either missing, or has expired, which means the corresponding ‘Supervisor’ skill/qualification is listed as ‘Competencies required’ and no longer current.
More complex scenarios
In some cases, a qualification might have a dependency whereby alternate requirements need to be factored in, for example;
Example 1;
For a person to work as a First Aider, you might require them to have;
Police Check
And, any one of the following;
Basic First Aid
Advanced First Aid
This can be setup in the system as follows;
Example 2;
This can be extended as follows (as an example);
The above requirement requires the following;
Police Check
And, any one of the following combinations;
Basic First Aid AND Supplement for Advanced First Aid
Advanced First Aid Certificate
The above combination requires staff to have a police check and effectively an advanced first-aid certificate or the supplement skill/qualification.
Example 3;
If the Police Check is no longer a requirement (or handled in some other way), this can be changed as follows;
The above requires either one of the following;
Basic First Aid
Advanced First Aid Certificate