Event Team Leaders

Event Team Leaders


As a team-leader, you'll get emailed a list of the people rostered to your event as part of the reminders which are sent a week prior and the day before the event.

These emails contain a link to the event, where a downloadable roster can also be found which include additional information for you to use, including;

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Contact numbers
  • Emergency contact information
  • Rostering notes

Please note that this information is intended for use by you in the capacity of the person in charge of the event, and should be treated as being confidential.

The system also allows you to access the onsite contact for the event, including their phone number so you're able to get in touch if required on the day.

If you require to get in touch with the people rostered to the event, you can also utilise the messaging capabilities within the system to send out any email/SMS messages.

During the event

Depending on your organisation, your staff can typically sign on and off from the event, which means that once completed, they don't need to confirm the hours worked separately after the event. For larger events, you can also do this from a central point rather than having your staff do this individually. More information on this is available here; Sign in/out at events

After the event

On completion of a shift or event, typically a post-event-report needs to be completed which lets us know a number of pieces of information which are required for statistics, billing, timesheets, feedback and so-on.

Typically the following information is required, however this may differ based on what's setup for your organisation;

  • Number of attendees
  • The times you worked
  • The times your team-members worked
  • The amount of time spent on break
  • The amount of time spent travelling to/from the event
  • The amount of time spent on break
  • Any feedback from the event
  • Uploading any forms / photos / documents / etc as required

More information can be found here; Completing a post event report

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