Uploading Files
Files can be uploaded to the system for a variety of purposes;
Getting attached to documents
Uploading an ID photo to someones profile
Getting attached to a persons skill/qualification
To do this, files are;
Uploaded to Amazon S3 to a temporary file storage location
Then moved (internally) to their proper storage location (depending on what they’ll be used for - eg. as a document / ID photo / etc). This step is done by including the file information as part of the request to update data - eg. if you would like a photo to be set as someones ID photo, the temporary-location information is passed in with the request to update someones information.
To upload a file to this temporary storage location;
An API request must first be made to obtain a signed-url
A signed URL with some form fields are returned from your request for a signed-url
Using the signed URL & form-fields, submit your request with the file-data to Amazon S3
A PHP sample of the code required to submit the file data is included below;
"require": {
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~6.0"
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
// This is a demo script which will upload a file (./file.png) to member ID #1
// Variables which should be set
$url = 'https://mycompany.vtevents.com.au';
$uploadTo = 'members/1';
$auth = ['auth key', 'auth secret'];
$localFilePath = './file.png';
$fileMimeType = 'image/png';
$remoteFileName = 'myfile.png';
$fileSize = filesize($localFilePath);
$documentTitle = 'My document title';
$documentDescription = 'My document description';
// end vars to be set
$client = new Client([
'base_uri' => $url
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 1 - Get a signed url which will be used to upload the files via
$response = $client->request(
'auth' => $auth,
'json' => [
'name' => $remoteFileName,
'type' => $fileMimeType,
'size' => $fileSize
$signedUrlVars = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 2 - Upload the file-data to AWS S3
// prepare the post-data which will be sent to AWS S3
$postVals = [];
foreach ($signedUrlVars['formData'] as $key => $val) {
$postVals[] = [
'name' => $key,
'contents' => $val,
$multipart = array_merge(
'name' => 'Content-Type',
'contents' => $fileMimeType,
'name' => 'file',
'contents' => fopen($localFilePath, 'r'),
'filename' => $remoteFileName,
'headers' => [
'Content-Type' => $fileMimeType,
try {
$response = $client->request(
'multipart' => $multipart,
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e) {
echo 'An error occurred while uploading to AWS S3; ' . (string)$e->getResponse()->getBody();
$s3Response = (string)$response->getBody();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 3 - attach the uploaded file in S3 to an event/member/resource/etc
$response = $client->request(
'/api/v2/' . $uploadTo . '/documents',
'auth' => $auth,
'json' => [
'title' => $documentTitle,
'description' => $documentDescription,
'file' => [
'name' => $remoteFileName,
'type' => $fileMimeType,
'size' => $fileSize,
'path' => $signedUrlVars['formData']['key'],
$docData = json_decode((string)$response->getBody(), true);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Done!
// Finally - Output the ID of the document which was just uploaded
echo 'Document ID: ' . $docData['id'] . "\n";
Running php test.php
will output the metadata which is being sent, as well as information about the response received.
A key
will be included in the multipart array (the first shown), generally starting with ‘temporary-uploads/…’
. This will represent the ‘path
’ when referring to this uploaded file in subsequent requests - eg. to attach the file to a new document, or use it as an ID photo for a person in the system.
AWS provides more information on this concept here; https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/PresignedUrlUploadObject.html