Default team/positions at events are selected in the following order;
By any relevant skills/qualifications they might have
By the position they are assigned in their own profile
By the event-type & associated default event team/position
By skills/qualifications
Certain skills/qualifications can be taken into account - eg. if a person has a “Driver” skill/qualification, and there is a “Driver” event/team position at the event, the system will select that team/position by default.
The skills/qualifications you would like to have checked need to be listed in the “Preferred skills/qualifications” box. These are then selected if there are corresponding event team/positions with the same name.
By position assigned
Positions assigned in a persons profile are taken into account - eg. if someone is employed as a “Driver” in the organisation, and “Driver” is a position available for people to be rostered into, this will be selected by default (eg. rather than a “Support” team/position at the event).
By event-type
By default, generally each type of event is setup with a default event team/position that people are rostered into - eg;
A “Local event” event-type might have a “Support” person which is selected by default when people are rostered
A “Corporate function” event-type might have a “Catering staff” position which is selected by default