If a post-event report hasn't been completed, generally (depending on your settings) your staff will be able to confirm the times they've worked. If you've allowed itDepending on your requirements and settings, this could can also include;
- Comments relating to the hours worked
- Hours spent on break (eg. for meal breaks), and/or a reason why adequate breaks weren't taken
- Time & distance spent travelling to/from their shift
- Signature of client/onsite-contact/team leader
Below is a screenshot of the hours-confirmation form;
Typically allowances applicable to shifts are automatically calculated and applied, depending on the criteria setup. These could be based on a range of factors, such as if you were a team leader, what team/position you were assigned to, hours or overtime worked, etc.
Allowances can also be setup so your team-members can claim them when confirming their hours worked (at the bottom of the following screenshot);
Individually Confirm Hours
The main difference between this, and having all the hours confirmed together within the post-event report are that the event will be 'Archived' when the post-event report is submitted, however the hours themselves will remain unconfirmed until each person logs into the system and confirms them.
A number of settings are available to customise what your staff are able to enter when confirming their hours, and restrictions which might be appropriate, depending on your requirements.
These include;
- Allowing hours on break to be entered & any restrictions/requirements
- Including/excluding hours on break or travel hours from accumulated-hours
- Allowing travel distances to be entered
- Requiring additional info for overtime worked