View Permission

This permission encompasses viewing both the events list and basic event details.
Unlike the 'view event (all details)', it does not show information such as contact details of event organisers and other non-basic event details.

This does not allow access to;

View All Permission

This permission encompasses viewing both the events list and all event details.
Unlike the 'view event (basic details)', it includes information such as who has volunteered for events, contact details of event organisers, event finances, etc.

This permission level also inherits the following other access levels;

Roster Permission

This allows users to manage rosters for events, including adding, editing, and removing people from an an event roster, as well as being able to update related rostering information, such as the posts at the event, the required dress code, advised start & finish times, etc.

Information from one event can also be copied to another event, such as the posts & event rosters.

Rostering permissions do not give access to adding, editing, or removing events.

This permission level also inherits the following other access levels;

Rostering permissions are designed to allow you to manage rosters and associated information which might be required as part of someones role, staffing events. As part of this, users with rostering permissions can also;

Modify Permission

This permission encompasses adding, modifying and removing event details. In addition, it also includes allocation of people & resources to events.
This permission level also incorporates the following other access levels;

Client information

There are a few ways access to client information can be given to users;