- Title
- Suffix
- Preferred first name
- Reference number.
- Address (line 1)
- Address (line 2)
- City
- State
- Postcode
- Postal address (line 1)
- Postal address (line 2)
- Postal City
- Postal State
- Postal Postcode
- Phone (Home)
- Phone (Work)
- Phone (Mobile)
- Fax
- Pager
- Preferred phone number (this should either be
- Either 'Home' / 'Mobile' / 'Work' / 'Alternate', can be used, or one of the above phone numbers
- Email alternate
- Email preference
- Either 'Main', or 'Alternate' can be used, to refer to the 'email' or 'email alternate' columns
- Group
- Date of birth
- Group ID
- 'Group name' can also be used if you don't know the group ID number
- Position
- The 'Type' field is set automatically based on the position specified
- Date joined
- Gender
- Emergency contact name
- Emergency contact number
- Emergency contact number 2
- Emergency contact address (line 1)
- Emergency contact address (line 2)
- Emergency contact address city
- Emergency contact address state
- Emergency contact address postcode
- Allergies
- Dietary requirements
- Medical conditions
- Roster notes
- Comments/notes which are shown when the person is rostered to events
- Notes
- Recruitment source
- Bank name (for payroll)
- Bank BSB
- Bank account number