Required Qualifications

Required Qualifications

Skills & Qualifications can be checked when someone is rostered to an event, generally based on the team/position someone has been rostered to, but can also be based on other factors, explained below. If someone is assigned to a position and doesn't have all the required qualifications, a warning will be displayed, both to the person making the changes, as well as anyone else viewing the roster in future.

Eg. The position 'First Aid Officer' might require the following qualifications & checks;

  • Apply First Aid

  • Police Check

This means that anyone assigned to the 'First Aid Officer' position at an event would also need the above qualifications, and maintain their currency for the event.


By default, required skills & qualifications are setup to ‘Warn’ the people doing your rostering, and allow them to make a decision if a person should be rostered, even if they don’t have certain skills/qualifications which might be required (ie. they might have already arranged to obtain the required skills/qualifications before the event).

This ‘Warn’ level prevents your team from submitting an expression of interest to attend events if they haven’t yet got the required skills/qualifications, and lets them know which ones they’re missing.

There are other levels which can be used for other circumstances in your business;

  • Stop - a person can’t be rostered to an event if they don’t have those skills which are marked as ‘Stop’ - ie. in the following example, everyone must have a Drivers Licence (Car).


  • Warn - It’s upto the user whom is rostering people to the event, if they’d like to roster people whom don’t have the required skills/qualifications. There could be a variety of reasons why this might be a good option, particularly if it’s a new skill/qualification and allow your rostering team to make exceptions if necessary.
    By preventing EOIs from being submitted by your staff/volunteers whom don’t have the required skills/qualifications, it encourages them to bring their records up-to-date if they’ve not already done-so.


  • Information only - this can be used for instances where you would like your staff/volunteers to be able to submit an expression of interest even if they haven’t got the required skills/qualifications, with the intention that those skills/qualifications will be obtained before the event starts.

    In the following example, your team can still submit an expression of interest (EOI) if they haven’t done a Safety Induction course, but will need a Drivers Licence (Car) before an EOI can be submitted.


Generally this qualifications required is based on the team/position someone is rostered to, however this can also be based on the following areas;

  • By event
    The event can be setup to require additional qualifications - eg. a particular event in a mountainous environment might require additional first-aid & survival training for those whom are rostered to it.
    Additional skills/qualifications required can be set within the staffing options when editing the event details.

  • By event type
    An event type might be setup to require additional qualifications for any staff rostered to those events - eg. a 'Motorsports events' event type might require an induction for 'motorsports safety'.
    To add or change qualifications by event type, first open the window to edit event types. Then click the 'cog' towards the right to option additional settings. From there, additional skills/qualifications can be added.

  • By client
    Any events which are associated to a particular client might require additional skills or qualifications – such as a 'site induction', or introduction to client-specified processes which staff assigned must adhere to when attending those events.
    Additional skills/qualifications required can be set by editing the client details and entering them in the 'event settings' section.

  • By venue
    Any event held at a venue might require certain additional skills or qualifications, such as site-inductions, high-risk certifications, etc which have been requested by the venue.
    These can be setup by editing the venue information, and adding in the list of skills & qualifications required at events which are held there.

  • By group
    Any events which are assigned to a particular group might be required to have additional qualifications assigned. As an example, these might be 'Remote area first-aid' in the instance that a group covers events in remote/desert areas, as opposed to metropolitan groups which may not typically require these skills.
    To set the required qualifications for a group,  within the 'Events' tab, goto 'Roster Settings' (via the 'Roster Settings' button across the bottom of the page), and from there you can enter any skills/qualifications you would like events assigned to that group to require.

  • By position (the person has been assigned in general)
    A position/title (that the person has within your organisation) can require certain skills/qualifications in general – eg. your company accountant might require some accounting training, or your logistics & transport drivers might be need to have done a defensive drivers course. For anyone who doesn't have these skills/qualifications/ratings/etc, they're shown a list of these skills & qualifications they still need on their 'to-do' list on the dashboard.

  • By event teams/positions (the position the person has been assigned to at the event)
    A specific position someone is assigned to for the event can require certain skills/qualifications - eg. a Doctor might require the appropriate qualifications be entered for that person if someone is assigned to the role. Likewise, a truck-driver at an event might need a special licence to undertake that role. To set skills required for different event teams/positions, goto the event teams/positions area and edit the specific roles as required.e


Resources can also have required skills/qualifications which are applied when allocations (either short-term or long-term) are added to the resource. Eg. A crane or special vehicle might require some training or additional qualifications to operate. By adding in the required skills/qualifications, this means that the resource can't be allocated to a person without these skills or qualifications (both if the resource was assigned to a person long-term, or allocated via a short-term-allocation.

Resources with required skills or qualifications can still be assigned to events, however a warning will be shown in the event, as well as the dashboard (for those whom manage the events).


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