Min/Max Staffing Levels

Min/Max Staffing Levels

Within each event, you can set the minimum and maximum number of staff each event should have (if any). For example, one event might have a minimum of 2 people required, and no maximum. Another event might have no minimum, but no more than 10 people should attend.

You can also set minimum and maximum staffing levels on a per-position basis, so whilst your event might have a minimum of 5 people, of those should be supervisors, or be assigned to another particular position.

A standard entry labeled 'General (no specific position)' is included which represents all positions which don't have a specific min/max number of staff specified - eg. anyone who isn't a Supervisor or First Aid Staff in the table below)

Staffing requirements for events can be set for;

  • Each position you would like to assign staff to

  • For specific time-periods (eg. 2x Supervisors from 10am - 1pm, with 3 more supervisors needed from 1pm - 4pm)

  • For specific posts (eg. 10x First Aid Staff are required at the S