Pay Rates

Pay Rates

Various pay rates can be setup for the system to use. Multiple pay-grades are generally entered (eg. Grade 1, Grade 2, etc), with one or more pay rates setup for each (eg. Weekday rate, weekend rate, public holiday rate).

These can then be assigned in a number of ways;

  • By Group
    All staff within a particular group are on the same pay-grade (eg. Grade 1) 

  • By Person
    A person will be paid on the same grade (eg. Grade 1), no matter what groups they're part of.

  • By Position (at an event)
    The rate someone paid at depends on what they'll actually be doing at an event - eg. If they're a supervisor at one event, they might be getting paid at Grade 3 rates for the hours they work, whilst if they work in Ticketing at another event, they might be paid at Grade 1 rates.

To configure pay rates, under the 'Settings' menu click the 'Configuration' item and on the 'People' tab, click the 'Pay Rates' button. In the dialogue thats displayed, you can enter a default pay rate and a default pay code (from the configured accounting package - see here) as well as configure variations of the rate that applies to each pay code.