Rostering restrictions addon

Rostering restrictions addon

Note: This area requires the ‘Rostering restrictions' addon to be enabled for your subscription

Based on your rostering requirements, there may be some instances where restrictions & alerts need to be placed on people rostered, based on variety of circumstances.

This facility allows you to add restrictions based on several criteria;

  • By person - eg. Fred Smith isn’t allowed to be rostered to events

  • By type of person - eg. All volunteers

  • By event-type - eg. All festivals

    • A restriction can be setup to only allow those types of events (eg. Trainees (a type of person) can only attend Training events (a type of event)

  • By event teams/positions - eg. Any time someone’s rostered as a Team Member

    • A restriction can be setup to only allow those event teams/positions (eg. Trainees (a type of person) can only attend events as an “Observer”)

  • By client - eg. Fred Smith isn’t allowed to be rostered to ACME Inc’s events

  • By venue - eg. Fred Smith isn’t allowed to be rostered to events at the MCG

  • By length of shift - eg. No-one can be rostered onto shift for more than 12 hours


These criteria can be setup in a number of ways - for example;

  • A new recruit, John Smith cannot be rostered more than 2 hours to events

  • No-one can be rostered to attend events associated with ACME Inc for more than 10 hours at a time

  • Volunteers (a type of person) can only attend Training events

  • Volunteers (a type of person) can only attend Training events, if that event is assigned to “ACME Inc”

When setting up rostering restrictions, all of the criteria entered is taken into account when evaluating if a restriction should come into effect or not - eg. if both Member Type, and Event Types, and Client, and Venue are completed, then all of those must match in order for the restriction to be shown.

Leaving a field blank (eg. Client) means the restriction applies to events assigned to any client.


The option to either warn users, or prevent rostering (as shown below) is available.

Managing Rostering Restrictions

Rules can be setup to manage different restrictions in the following window - eg. to add a new restriction;

The above restriction applies to all volunteers, and restricts them to only attending ‘Training’ events.


Existing restrictions can be listed as follows;

In the above example;

  • Hamish has been restricted from being rostered for more than 2 hours at a time whilst under supervision

  • Hamish is also not allowed to work at events booked by ACME Inc

  • Bill has requested to not be rostered to events at the Camberwell Oval

An expiry date can also be entered, which will mean the rostering restriction will no longer apply to shifts after that date (eg. someone can be rostered to events which are scheduled after that date. Shifts dated before the restriction expires will trigger the restriction).

A review date can also be added which will create an action item assigned to the person whom setup the rostering restriction - eg. if a restriction has been setup with the intention of it being reviewed in 2 months time.

A particular message can be included when the restriction is triggered - eg. “Sorry, new recruits can only work 2 hours at a time”.

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