Existing records are updated by looking for people with the same name and reference number / email address.
The following fields are required to import a person into the system
Qualifications can also be added into a persons records at the same time. The following fields should be used when importing qualification information;
- qualificationQualification
- date Date attained
- expiry Expiry date
- Provider
- certificate noCertificate no
People can also be allocated to other groups which you may have setup through the import facility - this is especially useful when a large number of groups have been setup - the following fields can be used;
- Group ID
- 'Group name' can also be used if you don't know the group ID number
- Visible
- This should be set to either 'Yes' or 'No', to specify if a person should be shown (visible) when listing people in the group, or if they are part of the group only for administrative reasons
- Cascade
- This should be set to either 'Yes' or 'No' to specify if a person should have access to all groups beneath the one they are being added to.